Site Admin
Joined: 21 Aug 2006
Posts: 52
Location: Russia, E-burg
Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:52 am |
[!] The bug causing an error during the mutation of the IMUL, MUL, IDIV, DIV commands has been fixed
[!] The bug causing an error during the virtualization of several CASE tables coming one after another has been fixed
[!] The bug causing an error during the virtualization of the POP word/dword ptr [esp+xxxx] and IMUL reg8 commands has been fixed
[!] The bug causing an error while disassembling the MOVNTPS and MOVNTPD commands has been fixed
[+] New compilation type has been added: "Ultra (mutation + virtualization)"
[+] The compilation type option has been added to the dialog box for adding/editing a procedure
[+] Searching for watermarks in processes has been added (it is used to search for watermarks in packed files)
[*] Compatibility with ASM compilers has been improved (TASM, MASM, etc.) |